Ways to Work Together 


I’m Healthy and I Want to Stay That Way

I love it when I hear this come out of my patient’s mouths!


Some people are just programmed to think preventatively, however, most people come to this perspective based on a personal experience. Let’s face it, the evidence is clear, adopting the diet and lifestyle habits that allow you to feel your best is amazing because they also work to prevent the dysfunction that can lead to chronic disease as you age. If you’re worried about your family history, confused about how to take care of yourself and your family, or are just the kind of person that wants to optimize for the sake of being your best, I’ve got you covered!


What can you expect when we work in this way?

With a focus on your personal health goals, I can show you which habits are part of your “non-negotiables” list and need to be prioritized come rain or shine. These are the habits that you know are the key to unlocking your ability to show up in life the way that you want. From there, we will use testing to help identify predispositions, subclinical nutrient deficiencies, and imbalances in gut function and stress response that we will want to pay attention to. Often we can see through nutrigenomic interpretation, very detailed ways to optimize your health habits such as which type of exercise is best for you, whether or not caffeine is your friend or foe, and how your particular hunger hormones work. We can also find opportunities to optimize your biochemistry so that your cellular function is the best that it can be.


Diet and lifestyle are POWERFUL preventative tools!

Dr. Dale Bredesen, a neurologist and author of The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline, emphasizes that by the time cognitive symptoms are bad enough to land someone in a doctor’s office, the imbalances that are at the root of cognitive decline, have been developing for decades. It’s in our 40’s and 50’s that we need to take action to protect our cognition in our retirement!

For those of us that have a family history of cognitive decline, autoimmune or cardiovascular disease and are worried about what our health will look like as we enter our golden years, we have powerful information about what we can do today to deliver optimal health as we age.

As a Recode trained and certified practitioner, I have particular expertise in cognitive health and infuse my work for all my patients with my advanced training.

When you work with me in this preventative mindset, you can feel relieved to know that you are doing your best to feel your best today and age gracefully in the decades to come. That knowledge alone can reduce stress and anxiety around health immensely!